Minute Book - Quebec - Traditional

(3 reviews)  


Black vinyl

Premium binder

Premium binder with slipcase
(corporate seal sold separately)

Click here for more information on binder options

It is mandatory for a Quebec chartered company to have a minute book.

IncorpDirect Inc. only sells customized minute books. Beware of our competitors who will sell you “incomplete minute book” and you must prepare and customize by-laws, resolutions, registers and share certificates yourself. And at a higher cost!

  • Articles, by-laws, unanimous shareholders' agreements
  • Minutes of directors and shareholders meetings and resolutions
  • Names and addresses of the directors, the date they started and the day they ceased their Directorship of the company
  • Details of the issue, allocation and transfer of shares as well as the names of the shareholders

Your minute book ensures that your corporate documents are kept in a single location and can be easily consulted when the need arises.

Standard service (5-7 business days)
Rush Service (2-3 business days)
Between 5-8 directors / shareholders
between 9-12 directors / shareholders
Annual Meeting Resolution
Corporate seal
Additional share certificates (View)
Total $150.00

What our customers are saying

andre lafleche
Jul 26, 2021
Sep 9, 2019
May 30, 2019

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