In order to use a Sole-Proprietorship in the province of Québec it must first be registered.
Upon registration you will obtain your Numéro d'entreprise de Québec (NEQ). A trade name registration does not protect the name.
Registration of your trade name will not protect the name as others can register this same Sole-Proprietorship. Only incorporation protects your name in the province of Québec.
Same-Day registration!
Please note: If you require a commercial name other than your personal name, a name search will be required to make certain the name is available.
Please be advised. A sole proprietorship is registered to your personal name. Adding a trade name to the registration does not replace your personal name. This registration cannot be solely registered to a trade name, your personal name is always registered to the sole proprietorship and can be seen at all times.
Current processing times for TPS/TVQ registrations are 7-14 business days.