Federal Incorporation (provincial registration not included)

(6 reviews)  

IncorpDirect is your best choice!

There are many advantages to incorporating Federally, one of them being name protection across Canada should you name your company. Once your Federal company has been incorporated you will need to file the provincial registration of your new Federal corporation. This is mandatory for all Federal corporations. If your head office is in Quebec, Ontario or British Columbia we can do this for you during the incorporation process. If you would like us to include this please click here to choose the appropriate incorporation. Government fees are NON-TAXABLE.


-       25% of directors must be Canadian residents

-       SAME-DAY numbered company before 3 p.m.- no rush fees

-       Custom structures will result in delays on numbered company timelines

-       Named company 1-2 business days – depends on government volumes

-       Electronic Charter & Articles included with every purchase

-       Digital Minute books for companies with a max of 6 directors and/or 6 shareholders

-       Traditional minute books are shipped normally within 5-7 days after incorporation

-       In the event of a file requiring resubmission there may be a $100 resubmission fee

IncorpDirect Fee$89.00
Government Fee (tax exempt)
Express service 1 hr (numbered)
NUANS® name search
Minute Book - Traditional (View) -
Minute Book - Digital
Does not include share certificates as they cannot be emailed
5 or more directors and/or shareholders
Corporate seal
Additional share certificates (View)
Small Business Credit Guide (Details)
Federal Business Number
1 year unlimited phone support
Total $89.00

What our customers are saying

Nov 4, 2021


Jun 20, 2021
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Am extremely glad and happy for using this service.

I have been busy with life and all, reasons why it took me a while to drop a positive review, But am here now.

I have wasted money, a lot of money with other offline & online Canada services in the past. But this is the cheapest and best service ever am hooked.

My communication with Mr. Bill Tsocanos was a bit slow in response, but days after he replied and we even talk over the phone which was more better.

Communication was clear and straight to the point, & smooth. He explained what he could. A highly qualified professional with many years of experience. No doubt.

Am using his services again for my 2 other Corporations. And i will send more serious people your way.

Thanks for your prompt response and registration of my Co-operation..

Rex Efruwhe
Jan 13, 2021
Excellent turnaround, Excellent service
Edmund Kietey Agamah
Apr 15, 2020
Jun 2, 2019

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