A COMPANY KEY is required for all corporations as of February 1 2024. You can obtain this from the Ontario Ministry and they will send it to you by email if your request can be authenticated, or by regular mail to the head office. Please click here
We are able to update your registered head office as well as any director and officer changes electronically.
In order to ensure that we use the most up to date information for your company we will perform a data extract as part of your filing and only change the information that you request in your application.
You will NOT receive a PDF of your Notice of Change electronically once processed as the Ontario Ministry has stopped offering this service. This is a same day service and your information is updated with the Ministry immediately. Should you require a copy of these changes you will need to select the Corporate Profile Report in addition to the Notice of Change from our menu below.
Please note: This application is for changes to Ontario ministry only. It can be used for a Federal corporation but it will not update your Federal information. If you need to update your Federal corporation AND the Ontario Ministry you must submit a Federal Ontario notice of change at the following link: https://www.incorpdirect.ca/Federal-Notice-of-Change-Ontario-Head-Office/ |